Physical Chemistry II with Laboratory

This course provides an in-depth study of the physical models used in the study of chemical systems, including both first-principle derivations and cutting-edge applications of such models. Topics include probability theory, classical thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, computational chemistry, philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics, time-dependent quantum mechanics, and kinetics. Additionally, there is an emphasis on implementing statistical and numerical models via computer programing, culminating in an independent project.

Units: 1.25

Max Enrollment: 12

Prerequisites: CHEM 330 and (PHYS 106 or PHYS 108) and MATH 215. Not open to students who have taken CHEM 334.

Instructor: Mavros and Arumainayagam

Distribution Requirements: LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory; MM - Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving; NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences

Typical Periods Offered: Spring

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring
