Voices: Counterpoint through the Ages and Around the World

The course focuses primarily on melodic writing and the coming together of various strands of musical activity to create a rich texture. Beginning with a grounding in 16th and 18th century contrapuntal music in Europe, the course expands to include explorations of 20th century counterpoint in both Western Classical as well as popular and jazz music. Finally, the course questions and explores the concept of “Polyphony” beyond the Western European construction. We explore ways in which music can have multiple strands occurring simultaneously, such as Indonesian Gamelan, West African Drumming, African hocketing traditions, Eastern European polyphonic singing, Afro-Cuban music, etc.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 15

Prerequisites: MUS 122.

Instructor: Moya

Distribution Requirements: ARS - Visual Arts, Music, Theater, Film and Video

Typical Periods Offered: Spring

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered
