Seminar: Legacies of Conquest: Empires in Chinese and World History

This course introduces in-depth study of powerful empires and their legacies. We focus on Qing-era China (1644-1912) asking how its leaders built China’s most expansive, durable, and ethnically diverse empire. We then consider the still incomplete efforts to reconfigure the empire as a Chinese nation, a process challenged by Tibetan, Uyghur, and Hong Kong citizens. Topics include institutions for segregating and representing diverse communities; the role of international commerce and technologies; the challenges of modern nationalism and European colonialism; methods for envisioning a new, multiethnic China led by a Han majority; and ways that Hong Kong, Islam, and Tibetan Buddhism are perceived as challenges. Readings in Ottoman, American, and South Asian history bring comparative perspectives and prepare students for research on world regions of their choice.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 15

Prerequisites: Normally open to juniors and seniors who have taken a 200-level unit in history and/or a 200-level unit in a relevant area/subject. Not open to students who have taken this course as a topic of HIST 395.

Instructor: Giersch

Distribution Requirements: HS - Historical Studies

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring
