Application Form

Applicants for external Newhouse Faculty Fellowships should submit by December 8, 2023. Applications can be submitted electronically through the portal. No paper applications will be accepted. Applicants will be notified by the end of March or April of 2023 whether they have received a fellowship.

Please include in your application:

  1. A research proposal of no more than 1250 words, describing the project and plan of research for the proposed residency with brief bibliography. Please include a description of the broad theoretical framework of your project and how it contributes to contemporary debates or concerns within the field of humanities today.
  2. A curriculum vitae
  3. The names and contact information of two referees, whom you have asked to submit letters to support your application. We will send the referees a link to submit the letter. We ask that the letters of recommendation be submitted no later than December 22, 2023
  4. A cover letter that makes clear your reasons for wishing to work at the Newhouse Center; any contacts you might have with Wellesley faculty; and whether you are willing to be considered for an unstipended as well as a stipended fellowship (up to $50,000/AY).

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Full Name *
Mailing Address *
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University Affiliation
How did you hear about the Newhouse Center fellowship program?
PDF file only
Cover Letter *
Research Proposal *
Curriculum Vitae *

Note: You cannot make any changes after submit.