45% of Wellesley students elect to spend a semester or year studying away domestically or internationally. The Office of International Study (OIS) is here to help with the somtimes daunting task of finding the right program for you.

Use this Study Abroad Program Browser to explore the opportunities awaiting you. Search by region, language of instruction, or academic area you wish to study. You may also wish to consider the type of Program Type - do you want to take classes alongside peers at an institution abroad? If so, select "Direct Enroll" or "Exchange". Are you looking for a smaller, more structured program? Select "Field-Based" or "Provider". If you're looking for language immersion, select "Language Intensive".

Not sure where to start? Schedule an appointment or attend an advising session here.

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Program Type
Available to Sophomores +
 Sophomore +
Internship Available
Research Opportunities Available
Student Support Services
Pre-Approved (credit/aid transfer automatically)
Distribution Areas (Use CTRL/Command keys for multiple selections)

Pre ApprovedPre Approved ApprovalRequires Petition SponsoredWelllesley Sponsored Add to Favorites (Login Required)
(Use CTRL/Command keys for multiple selections)
Total Porgrams available: 197